Upholding Our Values
Striving to do the right thing has been part of PROENERGY culture for more than 20 years. We place the utmost importance on ethics, integrity, and compliance because the good we do starts with how we operate. Our value-oriented approach enables us to clarify expectations for employees, build trust with customers, and meet the interests of stakeholders.
to Integrity
Ethics Concerns
to Update Policies
Robust Stewardship
Three interconnected leadership groups—including our shareholders, Board of Directors, and business leaders—set and execute the company’s strategic objectives, business goals, and governance principles. Our business leaders directly engage with employees at all levels of our organization to meet targets.
Solid Management
We place a strong emphasis on the responsible administration of our operations throughout our supply chain. By implementing a thorough Enterprise Risk Management Program, identifying our top 70 areas of risk, and having various compliance controls in place, we take proactive control over potential events.