Where to Find Us
PROENERGY provides fast-start, dispatchable power solutions around the world. We support the global LM fleet through our strategic service facilities, listed below.
United States
Corporate Office
Level-IV Aero Depot, Manufacturing, and Package Fabrication
2001 PROENERGY Boulevard
Sedalia, Missouri 65301
T 660.829.5100
F 660.829.1160
United States
Satellite Office
Level-II Aero Depot
8310 McHard Road
Houston, Texas 77053
T 660.829.5100
F 660.829.1160
Buenos Aires
Level-II Field Services Shop
PROENERGY Services de Argentina S.R.L
PROENERGY Services de Argentina S.R.L.
Ruta Panamericana Ramal Pilar Km. 43
EDIFICIO SKYGLASS I, Ayres Vila Piso 2, Of. 313
(1669) Del Viso, Pcia. de Buenos Aires Argentina
O 54.2320.65.9100
F 54.2320.65.9100 x110