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PROENERGY Performs 260 MVA Transformer Installation

SEDALIA, Mo. (January 5, 2017) – PROENERGY recently provided the manpower, equipment and tools to disassemble the existing transformer and assemble, vacuum fill and test a new transformer at Seattle City Light’s Boundary Dam Facility for Toshiba International Corporation. ProEnergy worked with Toshiba as they developed this plan to coincide with a hydro turbine upgrade to increase generation capacity.

The entire project involved years of design reviews to ensure the transformer was properly sized to allow it to fit through a tunnel and into the cave opening. Removable components also had to be sized in order to be rigged into position for installation.

“This is a unique project that required multiple design reviews,” said Keith Kubicek, PROENERGY’s Vice President of Balance of Plant Services.  “Reviewing dimensions and developing rigging plans conducive to the tight surroundings we had to work within were critical to keeping the schedule on time and within budget.”

PROENERGY is responsible for the construction, management, operations, maintenance, and repair services for energy generation facilities and equipment around the world.  PROENERGY has U.S. offices in Sedalia, Missouri; Houston, Texas; and Fort Collins, Colorado; and international locations in a number of countries including Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan and Angola.  More information is available on PROENERGY’s website at